
Jul 15, 20202 min

Mark Anderson Mini&Junior Co-ordinator

It has been a strange time for the Mini & Junior section over the past 3 months. A season that was coming to fruition for all age groups came to a sudden stop in Mid-March, and life as we knew it literally shut down over night. We have been fortunate at Llanharan in that the we managed to play a lot of Rugby over the winter months, and lost only a couple of games to the bad weather, meaning that it had a feel of a season finishing a bit earlier as opposed to a lost season. It was disappointing to miss out on our planned tour to Devon, and the various end of season activities that our volunteers had put a lot of work into.

However, this has not stopped the teams from keeping together, and keeping the “Black and Blue” spirit alive. Several age groups have ran activities for the children including Online quizzes and keep fit sessions, and the parents have been involved with Quizzes, Zoom Socials and our Under 10s have even managed to run an online “Kangaroo Court” session that was well attended by both children and parents. Several of our children and parents have been fundraising for various good causes over the Lockdown period, raising thousands of pounds for local charities and good causes. Also, our Under 16s have been helping out in the community as well, helping people through this difficult time.

Looking back over the year we have made some significant strides across our age groups, and it has been a pleasure to see the children develop as the weeks and months have passed.

Now we have some clarity over re-starting training, the coaches are busy planning safe, fun sessions for the children that will focus on ball skill and fitness, whilst adhering to the WRU guidelines at all times. With a strong coaching and volunteer set up, we are well set for the 2020 – 2021 season! If your child is 4 years or older on 1st September and you would like them to get involved, please contact us for details and come along and join a fun, family friendly rugby club.

We look forward to seeing you.

Mark Anderson -

Mini & Junior Coordinator
